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opts = {
-- Event to trigger linters
events = { "BufWritePost", "BufReadPost", "InsertLeave" },
linters_by_ft = {
fish = { "fish" },
-- Use the "*" filetype to run linters on all filetypes.
-- ['*'] = { 'global linter' },
-- Use the "_" filetype to run linters on filetypes that don't have other linters configured.
-- ['_'] = { 'fallback linter' },
-- ["*"] = { "typos" },
-- LazyVim extension to easily override linter options
-- or add custom linters.
---@type table<string,table>
linters = {
-- -- Example of using selene only when a selene.toml file is present
-- selene = {
-- -- `condition` is another LazyVim extension that allows you to
-- -- dynamically enable/disable linters based on the context.
-- condition = function(ctx)
-- return vim.fs.find({ "selene.toml" }, { path = ctx.filename, upward = true })[1]
-- end,
-- },