General Settings
The files autocmds.lua
, keymaps.lua
, lazy.lua
and options.lua
under lua/config
will be automatically loaded at the appropriate time,
so you don't need to require those files manually.
LazyVim comes with a set of default config files that will be loaded
before your own.
├── lua
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── autocmds.lua
│ │ ├── keymaps.lua
│ │ ├── lazy.lua
│ │ └── options.lua
│ └── plugins
│ ├── spec1.lua
│ ├── **
│ └── spec2.lua
└── init.lua
Do not require
, keymaps
, lazy
or options
under lua/config/
or lazyvim.config
LazyVim will load those files automatically.
- Custom Options
- Default Options
-- Options are automatically loaded before lazy.nvim startup
-- Default options that are always set:
-- Add any additional options here
-- This file is automatically loaded by plugins.core
vim.g.mapleader = " "
vim.g.maplocalleader = "\\"
-- LazyVim auto format
vim.g.autoformat = true
-- LazyVim picker to use.
-- Can be one of: telescope, fzf
-- Leave it to "auto" to automatically use the picker
-- enabled with `:LazyExtras`
vim.g.lazyvim_picker = "auto"
-- LazyVim root dir detection
-- Each entry can be:
-- * the name of a detector function like `lsp` or `cwd`
-- * a pattern or array of patterns like `.git` or `lua`.
-- * a function with signature `function(buf) -> string|string[]`
vim.g.root_spec = { "lsp", { ".git", "lua" }, "cwd" }
-- LazyVim automatically configures lazygit:
-- * theme, based on the active colorscheme.
-- * editPreset to nvim-remote
-- * enables nerd font icons
-- Set to false to disable.
-- Set the options you want to override in `~/.config/lazygit/custom.yml`
-- WARN: on Windows you might want to set `editPreset: "nvim"` due to
-- this issue
vim.g.lazygit_config = true
-- Options for the LazyVim statuscolumn
vim.g.lazyvim_statuscolumn = {
folds_open = false, -- show fold sign when fold is open
folds_githl = false, -- highlight fold sign with git sign color
-- Optionally setup the terminal to use
-- This sets `` and does some additional configuration for:
-- * pwsh
-- * powershell
-- LazyVim.terminal.setup("pwsh")
-- Hide deprecation warnings
vim.g.deprecation_warnings = false
-- Set filetype to `bigfile` for files larger than 1.5 MB
-- Only vim syntax will be enabled (with the correct filetype)
-- LSP, treesitter and other ft plugins will be disabled.
-- mini.animate will also be disabled.
vim.g.bigfile_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1.5 -- 1.5 MB
-- Show the current document symbols location from Trouble in lualine
-- You can disable this for a buffer by setting `vim.b.trouble_lualine = false`
vim.g.trouble_lualine = true
local opt = vim.opt
opt.autowrite = true -- Enable auto write
-- only set clipboard if not in ssh, to make sure the OSC 52
-- integration works automatically. Requires Neovim >= 0.10.0
opt.clipboard = vim.env.SSH_TTY and "" or "unnamedplus" -- Sync with system clipboard
opt.completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect"
opt.conceallevel = 2 -- Hide * markup for bold and italic, but not markers with substitutions
opt.confirm = true -- Confirm to save changes before exiting modified buffer
opt.cursorline = true -- Enable highlighting of the current line
opt.expandtab = true -- Use spaces instead of tabs
opt.fillchars = {
foldopen = "",
foldclose = "",
fold = " ",
foldsep = " ",
diff = "╱",
eob = " ",
opt.foldlevel = 99
opt.formatexpr = "v:lua.require'lazyvim.util'.format.formatexpr()"
opt.formatoptions = "jcroqlnt" -- tcqj
opt.grepformat = "%f:%l:%c:%m"
opt.grepprg = "rg --vimgrep"
opt.ignorecase = true -- Ignore case
opt.inccommand = "nosplit" -- preview incremental substitute
opt.jumpoptions = "view"
opt.laststatus = 3 -- global statusline
opt.linebreak = true -- Wrap lines at convenient points
opt.list = true -- Show some invisible characters (tabs...
opt.mouse = "a" -- Enable mouse mode
opt.number = true -- Print line number
opt.pumblend = 10 -- Popup blend
opt.pumheight = 10 -- Maximum number of entries in a popup
opt.relativenumber = true -- Relative line numbers
opt.scrolloff = 4 -- Lines of context
opt.sessionoptions = { "buffers", "curdir", "tabpages", "winsize", "help", "globals", "skiprtp", "folds" }
opt.shiftround = true -- Round indent
opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- Size of an indent
opt.shortmess:append({ W = true, I = true, c = true, C = true })
opt.showmode = false -- Dont show mode since we have a statusline
opt.sidescrolloff = 8 -- Columns of context
opt.signcolumn = "yes" -- Always show the signcolumn, otherwise it would shift the text each time
opt.smartcase = true -- Don't ignore case with capitals
opt.smartindent = true -- Insert indents automatically
opt.spelllang = { "en" }
opt.splitbelow = true -- Put new windows below current
opt.splitkeep = "screen"
opt.splitright = true -- Put new windows right of current
opt.statuscolumn = [[%!v:lua.require'lazyvim.util'.ui.statuscolumn()]]
opt.tabstop = 2 -- Number of spaces tabs count for
opt.termguicolors = true -- True color support
opt.timeoutlen = vim.g.vscode and 1000 or 300 -- Lower than default (1000) to quickly trigger which-key
opt.undofile = true
opt.undolevels = 10000
opt.updatetime = 200 -- Save swap file and trigger CursorHold
opt.virtualedit = "block" -- Allow cursor to move where there is no text in visual block mode
opt.wildmode = "longest:full,full" -- Command-line completion mode
opt.winminwidth = 5 -- Minimum window width
opt.wrap = false -- Disable line wrap
if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 1 then
opt.smoothscroll = true
opt.foldexpr = "v:lua.require'lazyvim.util'.ui.foldexpr()"
opt.foldmethod = "expr"
opt.foldtext = ""
opt.foldmethod = "indent"
opt.foldtext = "v:lua.require'lazyvim.util'.ui.foldtext()"
-- Fix markdown indentation settings
vim.g.markdown_recommended_style = 0
- Custom Keymaps
- Default Keymaps
-- Keymaps are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event
-- Default keymaps that are always set:
-- Add any additional keymaps here
-- This file is automatically loaded by lazyvim.config.init
-- DO NOT USE `LazyVim.safe_keymap_set` IN YOUR OWN CONFIG!!
-- use `vim.keymap.set` instead
local map = LazyVim.safe_keymap_set
-- better up/down
map({ "n", "x" }, "j", "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", { desc = "Down", expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "<Down>", "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", { desc = "Down", expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "k", "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", { desc = "Up", expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "<Up>", "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", { desc = "Up", expr = true, silent = true })
-- Move to window using the <ctrl> hjkl keys
map("n", "<C-h>", "<C-w>h", { desc = "Go to Left Window", remap = true })
map("n", "<C-j>", "<C-w>j", { desc = "Go to Lower Window", remap = true })
map("n", "<C-k>", "<C-w>k", { desc = "Go to Upper Window", remap = true })
map("n", "<C-l>", "<C-w>l", { desc = "Go to Right Window", remap = true })
-- Resize window using <ctrl> arrow keys
map("n", "<C-Up>", "<cmd>resize +2<cr>", { desc = "Increase Window Height" })
map("n", "<C-Down>", "<cmd>resize -2<cr>", { desc = "Decrease Window Height" })
map("n", "<C-Left>", "<cmd>vertical resize -2<cr>", { desc = "Decrease Window Width" })
map("n", "<C-Right>", "<cmd>vertical resize +2<cr>", { desc = "Increase Window Width" })
-- Move Lines
map("n", "<A-j>", "<cmd>m .+1<cr>==", { desc = "Move Down" })
map("n", "<A-k>", "<cmd>m .-2<cr>==", { desc = "Move Up" })
map("i", "<A-j>", "<esc><cmd>m .+1<cr>==gi", { desc = "Move Down" })
map("i", "<A-k>", "<esc><cmd>m .-2<cr>==gi", { desc = "Move Up" })
map("v", "<A-j>", ":m '>+1<cr>gv=gv", { desc = "Move Down" })
map("v", "<A-k>", ":m '<-2<cr>gv=gv", { desc = "Move Up" })
-- buffers
map("n", "<S-h>", "<cmd>bprevious<cr>", { desc = "Prev Buffer" })
map("n", "<S-l>", "<cmd>bnext<cr>", { desc = "Next Buffer" })
map("n", "[b", "<cmd>bprevious<cr>", { desc = "Prev Buffer" })
map("n", "]b", "<cmd>bnext<cr>", { desc = "Next Buffer" })
map("n", "<leader>bb", "<cmd>e #<cr>", { desc = "Switch to Other Buffer" })
map("n", "<leader>`", "<cmd>e #<cr>", { desc = "Switch to Other Buffer" })
map("n", "<leader>bd", LazyVim.ui.bufremove, { desc = "Delete Buffer" })
map("n", "<leader>bD", "<cmd>:bd<cr>", { desc = "Delete Buffer and Window" })
-- Clear search with <esc>
map({ "i", "n" }, "<esc>", "<cmd>noh<cr><esc>", { desc = "Escape and Clear hlsearch" })
-- Clear search, diff update and redraw
-- taken from runtime/lua/_editor.lua
"<Cmd>nohlsearch<Bar>diffupdate<Bar>normal! <C-L><CR>",
{ desc = "Redraw / Clear hlsearch / Diff Update" }
map("n", "n", "'Nn'[v:searchforward].'zv'", { expr = true, desc = "Next Search Result" })
map("x", "n", "'Nn'[v:searchforward]", { expr = true, desc = "Next Search Result" })
map("o", "n", "'Nn'[v:searchforward]", { expr = true, desc = "Next Search Result" })
map("n", "N", "'nN'[v:searchforward].'zv'", { expr = true, desc = "Prev Search Result" })
map("x", "N", "'nN'[v:searchforward]", { expr = true, desc = "Prev Search Result" })
map("o", "N", "'nN'[v:searchforward]", { expr = true, desc = "Prev Search Result" })
-- Add undo break-points
map("i", ",", ",<c-g>u")
map("i", ".", ".<c-g>u")
map("i", ";", ";<c-g>u")
-- save file
map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "<C-s>", "<cmd>w<cr><esc>", { desc = "Save File" })
map("n", "<leader>K", "<cmd>norm! K<cr>", { desc = "Keywordprg" })
-- better indenting
map("v", "<", "<gv")
map("v", ">", ">gv")
-- commenting
map("n", "gco", "o<esc>Vcx<esc><cmd>normal gcc<cr>fxa<bs>", { desc = "Add Comment Below" })
map("n", "gcO", "O<esc>Vcx<esc><cmd>normal gcc<cr>fxa<bs>", { desc = "Add Comment Above" })
-- lazy
map("n", "<leader>l", "<cmd>Lazy<cr>", { desc = "Lazy" })
-- new file
map("n", "<leader>fn", "<cmd>enew<cr>", { desc = "New File" })
map("n", "<leader>xl", "<cmd>lopen<cr>", { desc = "Location List" })
map("n", "<leader>xq", "<cmd>copen<cr>", { desc = "Quickfix List" })
map("n", "[q", vim.cmd.cprev, { desc = "Previous Quickfix" })
map("n", "]q", vim.cmd.cnext, { desc = "Next Quickfix" })
-- formatting
map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>cf", function()
LazyVim.format({ force = true })
end, { desc = "Format" })
-- diagnostic
local diagnostic_goto = function(next, severity)
local go = next and vim.diagnostic.goto_next or vim.diagnostic.goto_prev
severity = severity and vim.diagnostic.severity[severity] or nil
return function()
go({ severity = severity })
map("n", "<leader>cd", vim.diagnostic.open_float, { desc = "Line Diagnostics" })
map("n", "]d", diagnostic_goto(true), { desc = "Next Diagnostic" })
map("n", "[d", diagnostic_goto(false), { desc = "Prev Diagnostic" })
map("n", "]e", diagnostic_goto(true, "ERROR"), { desc = "Next Error" })
map("n", "[e", diagnostic_goto(false, "ERROR"), { desc = "Prev Error" })
map("n", "]w", diagnostic_goto(true, "WARN"), { desc = "Next Warning" })
map("n", "[w", diagnostic_goto(false, "WARN"), { desc = "Prev Warning" })
-- stylua: ignore start
-- toggle options"<leader>uf", LazyVim.toggle.format())"<leader>uF", LazyVim.toggle.format(true))"<leader>us", LazyVim.toggle("spell", { name = "Spelling" }))"<leader>uw", LazyVim.toggle("wrap", { name = "Wrap" }))"<leader>uL", LazyVim.toggle("relativenumber", { name = "Relative Number" }))"<leader>ud", LazyVim.toggle.diagnostics)"<leader>ul", LazyVim.toggle.number) "<leader>uc", LazyVim.toggle("conceallevel", { values = { 0, vim.o.conceallevel > 0 and vim.o.conceallevel or 2 } }))"<leader>uT", LazyVim.toggle.treesitter)"<leader>ub", LazyVim.toggle("background", { values = { "light", "dark" }, name = "Background" }))
if vim.lsp.inlay_hint then"<leader>uh", LazyVim.toggle.inlay_hints)
-- lazygit
map("n", "<leader>gg", function() LazyVim.lazygit( { cwd = LazyVim.root.git() }) end, { desc = "Lazygit (Root Dir)" })
map("n", "<leader>gG", function() LazyVim.lazygit() end, { desc = "Lazygit (cwd)" })
map("n", "<leader>gb", LazyVim.lazygit.blame_line, { desc = "Git Blame Line" })
map("n", "<leader>gB", LazyVim.lazygit.browse, { desc = "Git Browse" })
map("n", "<leader>gf", function()
local git_path = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
LazyVim.lazygit({args = { "-f", vim.trim(git_path) }})
end, { desc = "Lazygit Current File History" })
map("n", "<leader>gl", function()
LazyVim.lazygit({ args = { "log" }, cwd = LazyVim.root.git() })
end, { desc = "Lazygit Log" })
map("n", "<leader>gL", function()
LazyVim.lazygit({ args = { "log" } })
end, { desc = "Lazygit Log (cwd)" })
-- quit
map("n", "<leader>qq", "<cmd>qa<cr>", { desc = "Quit All" })
-- highlights under cursor
map("n", "<leader>ui", vim.show_pos, { desc = "Inspect Pos" })
map("n", "<leader>uI", "<cmd>InspectTree<cr>", { desc = "Inspect Tree" })
-- LazyVim Changelog
map("n", "<leader>L", function() end, { desc = "LazyVim Changelog" })
-- floating terminal
local lazyterm = function() LazyVim.terminal(nil, { cwd = LazyVim.root() }) end
map("n", "<leader>ft", lazyterm, { desc = "Terminal (Root Dir)" })
map("n", "<leader>fT", function() LazyVim.terminal() end, { desc = "Terminal (cwd)" })
map("n", "<c-/>", lazyterm, { desc = "Terminal (Root Dir)" })
map("n", "<c-_>", lazyterm, { desc = "which_key_ignore" })
-- Terminal Mappings
map("t", "<esc><esc>", "<c-\\><c-n>", { desc = "Enter Normal Mode" })
map("t", "<C-h>", "<cmd>wincmd h<cr>", { desc = "Go to Left Window" })
map("t", "<C-j>", "<cmd>wincmd j<cr>", { desc = "Go to Lower Window" })
map("t", "<C-k>", "<cmd>wincmd k<cr>", { desc = "Go to Upper Window" })
map("t", "<C-l>", "<cmd>wincmd l<cr>", { desc = "Go to Right Window" })
map("t", "<C-/>", "<cmd>close<cr>", { desc = "Hide Terminal" })
map("t", "<c-_>", "<cmd>close<cr>", { desc = "which_key_ignore" })
-- windows
map("n", "<leader>w", "<c-w>", { desc = "Windows", remap = true })
map("n", "<leader>-", "<C-W>s", { desc = "Split Window Below", remap = true })
map("n", "<leader>|", "<C-W>v", { desc = "Split Window Right", remap = true })
map("n", "<leader>wd", "<C-W>c", { desc = "Delete Window", remap = true })"<leader>wm", LazyVim.toggle.maximize)
-- tabs
map("n", "<leader><tab>l", "<cmd>tablast<cr>", { desc = "Last Tab" })
map("n", "<leader><tab>o", "<cmd>tabonly<cr>", { desc = "Close Other Tabs" })
map("n", "<leader><tab>f", "<cmd>tabfirst<cr>", { desc = "First Tab" })
map("n", "<leader><tab><tab>", "<cmd>tabnew<cr>", { desc = "New Tab" })
map("n", "<leader><tab>]", "<cmd>tabnext<cr>", { desc = "Next Tab" })
map("n", "<leader><tab>d", "<cmd>tabclose<cr>", { desc = "Close Tab" })
map("n", "<leader><tab>[", "<cmd>tabprevious<cr>", { desc = "Previous Tab" })
Auto Commands
- Custom Auto Commands
- Default Auto Commands
-- Autocmds are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event
-- Default autocmds that are always set:
-- Add any additional autocmds here
-- This file is automatically loaded by lazyvim.config.init.
local function augroup(name)
return vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("lazyvim_" .. name, { clear = true })
-- Check if we need to reload the file when it changed
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FocusGained", "TermClose", "TermLeave" }, {
group = augroup("checktime"),
callback = function()
if vim.o.buftype ~= "nofile" then
-- Highlight on yank
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
group = augroup("highlight_yank"),
callback = function()
-- resize splits if window got resized
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "VimResized" }, {
group = augroup("resize_splits"),
callback = function()
local current_tab = vim.fn.tabpagenr()
vim.cmd("tabdo wincmd =")
vim.cmd("tabnext " .. current_tab)
-- go to last loc when opening a buffer
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufReadPost", {
group = augroup("last_loc"),
callback = function(event)
local exclude = { "gitcommit" }
local buf = event.buf
if vim.tbl_contains(exclude,[buf].filetype) or vim.b[buf].lazyvim_last_loc then
vim.b[buf].lazyvim_last_loc = true
local mark = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_mark(buf, '"')
local lcount = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(buf)
if mark[1] > 0 and mark[1] <= lcount then
pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, 0, mark)
-- close some filetypes with <q>
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
group = augroup("close_with_q"),
pattern = {
callback = function(event)[event.buf].buflisted = false
vim.keymap.set("n", "q", "<cmd>close<cr>", {
buffer = event.buf,
silent = true,
desc = "Quit buffer",
-- make it easier to close man-files when opened inline
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
group = augroup("man_unlisted"),
pattern = { "man" },
callback = function(event)[event.buf].buflisted = false
-- wrap and check for spell in text filetypes
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
group = augroup("wrap_spell"),
pattern = { "text", "plaintex", "typst", "gitcommit", "markdown" },
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.wrap = true
vim.opt_local.spell = true
-- Fix conceallevel for json files
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
group = augroup("json_conceal"),
pattern = { "json", "jsonc", "json5" },
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.conceallevel = 0
-- Auto create dir when saving a file, in case some intermediate directory does not exist
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePre" }, {
group = augroup("auto_create_dir"),
callback = function(event)
if event.match:match("^%w%w+:[\\/][\\/]") then
local file = vim.uv.fs_realpath(event.match) or event.match
vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":p:h"), "p")
pattern = {
[".*"] = {
function(path, buf)
and[buf].filetype ~= "bigfile"
and path
and vim.fn.getfsize(path) > vim.g.bigfile_size
and "bigfile"
or nil
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
group = augroup("bigfile"),
pattern = "bigfile",
callback = function(ev)
vim.b.minianimate_disable = true
vim.schedule(function()[ev.buf].syntax = vim.filetype.match({ buf = ev.buf }) or ""